The Productivity Experts

I Dream of an Organized Life, but…

I Dream of an Organized Life, but….

Cathy Sexton – Implementation and Productivity Coach

January is “Get Organized Month” and all of us can use a little organizing in our lives at times, even me.

Are you one of the millions of people that commonly say “If only I had more time” or ” If only I were more organized”, ” There is no way I can get all this done” or “I need to get organized but I don’t know where to start?” With all that we have to do and the constant pressures of doing more, more, more, we find ourselves frustrated, stressed and wishing there was a magic wand to be organized and get it all done! Well I am unaware of any magic wand created as of yet. I promise I will keep looking and let you know when I find it. Until then, let’s look at the benefits of being more organized and a few false beliefs that may be standing in your way of having more time, reducing the clutter and creating a more organized life.

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If there is no incentive, it’s easy to talk ourselves out of doing things. If we take the time to understand and connect with some of the common benefits of being organized it may make it easier to add getting organized to our To-Do or task list. (I personally think it needs to be the number one top priority item on the list – RE: do it first!)


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Contact us TODAY for more information:
Cathy Sexton, St. Louis
Phone: 314-267-3969

Cathy is available for staff training, lunch and learns, as a conference or program speaker, facilitates workshops on improving productivity, time management training, organization skills improvement, workforce development, process improvement, email management, goal setting, staff and individual coaching.

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