The Productivity Experts

Look on the bright side of clutter

If you have clutter, you are richer than you think.
too much to do too little time, time management, getting organized, filing,

Look at decluttering as an opportunity to SHARE your abundance – the stuff you don’t need – with people who really need it. Make two “discard” piles from the beginning; one for items that are true trash, but another one for items that others could benefit from using.

Clothing, kitchen items and home goods can be donated to Goodwill or Salvation Army. Unwanted office supplies can be donated to area school districts, non-profits, or Chambers of Commerce (the Chamber may know which businesses could most use the extra supplies, or if schools are having supply drives.)

Do you have any tips for sharing your old or unwanted items? We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments. For more productivity tips check out our blog.

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