The Productivity Experts

Mind Mapping Fever…check it out!

Have you ever tried mind-mapping? Read this article in its original context at, “Mind Mapping Fever.”


A few weeks ago, a friend of mine showed me the most bizarre picture.  Stranger, he said it helps him be more productive because it helps him understand how everything he does is related and dependent on each other in one shape, form, or manner.  After the meeting, I asked myself whether he was working too hard because as I remember telling myself “John is losing it”.

Fast forward to today, and it ends up that my friend was onto something, and it seems like the mind mapping phenomena is catching on.

In brief, Wikipedia defines mind mapping as s a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea.  Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and writing.

Well, I thought, that’s what IQTELL does in essence.  We enable you to link and integrate all your important information so it makes sense.  Most of the information we use on a daily basis in linked to other information.  For example, my tasks may relate to an email, could be associated with a contact, and may result in several files, as well as several events on my calendar.

An idea is born… With Yael’s help (our gifted graphic designer), we created our first mind mapping masterpiece.  We took a typical project we could all relate to – Remodeling our Kitchen.  We quickly realized how nicely IQTELL’s concept fits nicely with mind mapping and integrating all the information in a way that makes sense!

In both our mind map and our IQTELL Workspace, we were able to easily link and manage all of the following.

Remodel Kitchen

#1 Emails – link related emails to our Remodeling Project

#2 Actions/tasks – create and manage all tasks

#3 Contacts – list of contacts related to the Remodeling Project

#4 Files – easily to store all related documents in IQTELL.

#5 Calendar – store all important information on the Calendar, including the celebratory dinner party to show off our new remodeled kitchen.

#6 Bookmarks – storing helpful remodeling kitchen websites and related notes.

Lets us know what you thinks – Have you caught the mind mapping fever?


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