The Productivity Experts

Quick Tip: Are you being slowed down by negativity?

Attitude is everything when it comes to productivity

Obviously, negativity can have a negative impact on productivity. It drains our energy, stifles creativity, and keeps us from dreaming big and achieving those dreams, among other things.


Are you aware of negativity in your life?


Awareness is the first step to transforming negativity into more positive thoughts, words, and actions. Awareness can also help us identify if the negativity is coming from our own minds and actions or from others.

Either way, there are things you can do to get on the more positive side of things. If you see negativity in your life – either in yourself or in others – here are a few things to try.


Spend more time with positive people

Who we choose to spend time with can definitely influence our outlook and perspective. When we are surrounded by people who tend toward the negative, that can bring us down. But we also have to take an honest look at ourselves and make sure we are not the ones bringing others down. After all, others may be looking to surround themselves with positive people, and you want to be considered as part of that group!


Develop an attitude of gratitude

It’s harder to be negative when you have a grateful heart. Make a habit of journaling for 5 – 10 minutes each morning, with a focus on ALL the things in your life you are grateful for.

If this is not something you’ve focused on before, you might find it takes some time to really get into the awareness of all the things you can be grateful for, but it will come. Make it a daily habit, keep at it, and you’ll be surprised by how many things come to mind that you never thought about as blessings before.


Flip the script

If you find yourself in a situation where someone is focusing on the negative, flip the script and redirect them to a more positive track. For example, if you are meeting with a colleague about a project and they are only focusing on the negative, point out that you hear their concerns or objections but would love to hear their thoughts on the advantages of doing one thing over another… or solutions for whatever the concerns are. Take the lead and steer the conversation in a more productive, positive direction.


Make positivity a conscious choice

Having an awareness of the people or things that carry a negative energy – even if that is yourself – will help you overcome negativity in your life.

So, stay curious and make a conscious choice to keep that awareness top-of-mind as you move forward. Be open to cues that you, someone else, or something is feeding a negative energy and do all you can to eliminate it.


The more we accept negativity in others or for ourselves as the norm, the more it becomes reality. So, make positivity a priority and you’ll be amazed how much your life will change for the better!

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