The Productivity Experts

Technology you can take with you!

Take It With You Tech<>
by Jill Stone

Did you know that the technology in your smart phone used to fit in a computer the size of a warehouse? Eventually they were about the size of a foot long sandwich? Now they are nice and compact and can be carried easily in pockets and purses. Check out these technologies that are small enough to fit in your carry-on bag, but do not compromise in functionality:

[]<>Brookstone’s Virtual Key Board<> allows your typing to tag along in a container the size of a key chain. Utilizing Bluetooth®, laser technology and a USB cord for easy recharging, this is the perfect way to take notes, write blogs or update files on your tablet or smartphone. Here is a Brookstone coupon

Wifi/USB Cufflinks<>, also by Brookstone, provides for the dual need of wifi on the go and a 2GB USB Flash Drive for storing documents. All of this is well and good, but a price cannot be placed on the cool secret agent factor!

HDMI Pocket Projector<> is another Brookstone offering (Brookstone may need to pay me a commission). This is an awesome way to take your presentations on the go! Weighing in at only ½ pound, a single charge is good for 2 hours, and the device will connect to your iPhone, tablet, laptop, camera and more!

MyKey Flashdrive<> is another data storage option, especially if the $250 cufflink option above is a bit more than you wish to spend (and you are good on the wifi front). It’s small, compact, fits on a key chain, holds 4GB of data and there is no cap to keep track of.

Mini Surge Protector with USB Charger<> will alleviate the need to search your hotel room for numerous places to plug in. The charger includes three AC and 2 USB outlets, plus peace of mind surge protection.

ComboSaver® Combination Portable Notebook Lock<> will keep your notebook safe from theft. Priced at less than $25 this is practically a must have item!

Which gadgets do you carry along with you when you travel?

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