Professional Business Coaching with Cathy Sexton
increase productivity and profits, and build the profitable business you've dreamed of!Optimize Your Business For Success!
Cathy’s Coaching Packages
Cathy’s customized Productivity Coaching Programs bring meaningful, lasting changes in performance and productivity through coaching and support. With each level of 1-on-1 productivity coaching you will get:
- A game plan with specific goals and deadlines to produce the results you desire – tailored to your business
- Simple, effective tools designed specifically to fit your “Natural Productivity Style”
- Coaching and support to help you continuously improve your results
- The joy of having complete control of your work environment and calming the chaos running a business can bring
Pay in full and save, or choose monthly payments
Productivity Laser Coaching – *3, 6 or 12 months of Unlimited Laser Coaching*
This customized coaching is designed for people who just need a jump-start in a specific area and want to see immediate results. In each targeted, laser-focused coaching session, you will get specific strategies to implement, based on your area of need. Once you have implemented a strategy, another will be given – keeping it simple and easy to make the changes you want and need to make. If you are looking for a targeted coaching plan that provides support to help you get on track and keep you moving forward, the Laser Coaching Productivity Plan the perfect way to take action and create momentum, with accountability built in.
- An onboarding strategy session to clarify your area of concern, how it works, and your goals
- 3, 6, or 12 months of *unlimited 15-minute laser sessions, with unlimited email in between sessions for additional support (*unlimited if process is followed)
3 months for $597
*a cost of ONLY $199 per month!
6 months for $797
*a cost of ONLY $132 per month!
12 months for $997
*a cost of ONLY $83 per month!
Performance Enhancement
This 3-month, customized coaching program is designed for people who have specific performance and productivity goals they want to achieve. This program will provide the tools, support, and “tweaks” you need to achieve those goals.
Price: $2,497 (*Monthly payments available on request. Schedule time to discuss with Cathy below.)
- Online Productivity Assessment
- 8 weekly coaching sessions
- 2 bi-weekly sessions
- Never be stuck…unlimited email
Peak Performer
This 6-month, customized coaching is designed for people who want to dramatically increase their productivity and get the support they need to develop the habit of using their new productivity tools – tools designed specifically to fit their natural style. The additional three months will not only give you a chance to create long lasting habits, it will also give you the support needed for working through the daily routine of constant changes in your work and life environment.
Price: $4,595 (*Monthly payments available on request. Schedule time to discuss with Cathy below.)
- Online Productivity Assessment
- 12 weekly coaching sessions
- 3 months of bi-weekly coaching sessions
- Never be stuck…Unlimited email
- VIP Laser coaching
Performance Mastery
This 12-month, goal-specific coaching package is designed for those who understand that creating exceptional results in the short-term isn’t enough. Those results have to be sustained over the long term for lasting growth and success. The Performance Mastery Coaching will give you those consistent, exceptional results. Starting with an assessment of what’s working and what’s not, Cathy will help you identify those pieces that need to be addressed immediately, clarify your vision for the future – for both you and your business, help you prioritize and get focused on the RIGHT things that will bring that vision into reality, guide and support you through the year to troubleshoot any challenges that arise, and leave you feeling strong and confident moving forward.
Price: $6,797 (*Monthly payments available on request. Schedule time to discuss with Cathy below.)
- Online Productivity Assessment
- 12 weekly coaching sessions
- 9 months of bi-weekly coaching sessions
- Never be stuck…Unlimited email
- VIP Laser coaching
- Bonus…Lifetime Access to Prescription for Success Online learning Portal ($2,495 value)