Are Your Overwhelmed, Stressed, Frustrated with too much to do and NO time for the things you love?
Are You Ready to:
- Start working smarter?
- Discover your natural productivity style, so you can maximize your results with less effort?
- Accomplish more with less effort, so you can grow your business and earn more money?
- Organize your office and create a more efficient work environment?
- Get on top of your projects and deadlines while advancing your career?
- Enjoy more leisure time — for family, community, hobbies, or recreation?
- Increase your Time, Money & Energy?
Then You Need a Productivity Coach!
Coaching is quickly becoming the leading tool business owners use to create the success they desire. Cathy’s productivity coaching supports busy professionals to live life with less stress and accomplish more with increased focus and productivity so they can work less and make more money. Productivity coaching can get you where you want to be faster and smarter. Cathy’s clients find clarity, focus and increased productivity while getting more done in less time and making more money.
Who Benefits from Working with Cathy?

Questions: Call Cathy at 314.267.3969
Increasing productivity is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We are all different, we think differently and work in different environments. What works for one does not always work for someone else. That’s why it is so important to learn and work in your own “Natural Productivity Style”. Productivity coaching helps you to understand your natural style so you can live and work authentically.
Consider These Two Scenarios:
- Continue to do what you are currently doing. Chances are in one year you will be in the same situation or maybe worse. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” ~ Mark Twain
- Venture out of your comfort zone and do something different – like coaching. Imagine how you will feel if you get clarity, focus and the ability to get more done while having more time with family and friends and in most cases making more money. Now imagine that you spent time each week benefiting from support, encouragement, tools and techniques – taking the necessary step to create the outcomes you want most. Where might you be this time next year?
The choice is yours!
If you’re committed to making a change in your life, let Cathy help
The best candidates for working with Cathy are individuals and professionals that meet these characteristics:
- They see the value in investing in their future
- They are willing to take action
- They are results-oriented
- They want more out of life and will commit to putting in the time, energy and money
Individual Coaching
- ARC Accelerate Results Coaching
- Life-Time Peak Performer Program
- Peak Performer Program
- Performance Enhancement Program
- I.G.N.I.T.E. Coaching Programs
Group Coaching:
- ARC Accelerate Results Coaching
- Using Email as a Tool vs. an Interruption
- Daily Workflow Using Outlook
See Testimonials 314.267.3969 or click here to schedule time with Cathy