Your Profit Specialist and The Miracle Money Method
Imagine how amazing it would be to receive regular owner’s pay, increase profit, and have a business that is financially healthy and strong.

More Profit. More Pay. More Peace of Mind.
Profit Specialist Cathy Sexton and The Miracle Money Method can get you there!

You want to grow your business. You want to be paid for all your hard work, time, and energy. You want your personal financial health and wealth to improve as your business grows – and it should!
But, somehow, even as your revenues increase, expenses always seem to increase at an equal pace. This creates a vicious cycle of sell-spend-panic that keeps you from getting ahead – or paying yourself what you deserve from the increasing revenues.
It’s so important to build a solid financial foundation for your business as it grows! After all, what good is having a growing business if you’re not able to pay yourself what you deserve? And what good is growing your business if it’s a house of cards that could crumble with a couple months of rough sales?
No matter how much money you have coming in, if you’re only focused on revenue and growth and caught up in the sell-spend-panic cycle, you may not to have much to show for your bigger business and all your hard work.
The traditional model of growing your business is an outdated trap that focuses more on revenues than profits. This creates a stressful cycle of scrambling to bring in more sales to cover the rising expenses and feeling like you’re just surviving month-to-month. The idea that you have to spend money to make money can also be a trap – one that buries business owners deeper and deeper in debt. Chances are that isn’t what you imagined when you decided to start your business and pursue your dreams.
The good news is… it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s never too late to shift from surviving to financially healthy and thriving!
As a Productivity and Profit Specialist with over 30 years of accounting background, Cathy is trained and certified to guide you through creating and sustaining a wildly successful and profitable business. Her Miracle Money Method program will transform your business, get you paid regularly, and maximize profits, which will help you achieve the financial success you desire.
The Miracle Money Method flips the traditional accounting model that keeps entrepreneurs stressed, struggling, and juggling month-to-month. It’s a more effective way of managing your business finances that shifts your focus from worrying about the size of your business to focusing on the financial health of your business.

The Miracle Money Method can take your business from merely surviving to profitable and thriving – FAST!
With The Miracle Money Method You Will:
- Get paid regularly!
- Be prepared for periods of financial drought.
- End the financial worries of sell-spend-panic cycles and become instantly profitable.
- Take control of your financial health and success.
- Learn to invest your time and resources more effectively, so you can start seeing more positive results and increase the potential of your business.
- Tame the cash-eating monster your business has become.
- Make conscious CHOICES regarding expenses based on your goals and what’s available after YOU’VE been paid what you deserve.
- Shift the “top line” (revenue focused) methodology that keeps you scrambling month-to-month.
- Enjoy the freedom you set out to find when you decided to start your own business.
- Experience the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes from knowing your business isn’t just growing, it’s healthy, sustainable, and strong.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business or how large or small your business is… The Miracle Money Method can help!
This simple, easy-to-implement program works for EVERY business and gives you the tools, systems, and structure you need to succeed financially – helping you realize the success you imagined when you started out.
It’s time to draw a line in the sand and make today the day you go from stressed and struggling to revitalized and flourishing. Start living the dream with The Miracle Money Method and take your business to new levels – healthier and stronger than ever!