Productivity Speaking

Cathy’s presentations are clear and pertinent to topic, and her handouts are beautifully laid out and functional tools. Cathy’s warm, friendly style elicits good Q&A. She is a great addition to our programs.
~ Marcia Conaghan, Program Manager at Grace Hill Women’s Business Center
A ‘Big Thank You” to you, dear Cathy! You continue to be the “Brilliant, Peacemaking Voice of Integrity!” I surely hope that you will put all of these weekly “Teachings” into a Splendid Book……..sometime in the future! – Larry Stockman

“Cathy is a dynamic speaker that not only delivers an entertaining presentation, she also leaves you with actionable strategies you can start using immediately. Being more productive is key to enabling growth, and there is nobody with more expertise on the topic of productivity than Cathy.”
~ Josh Turner ~ Founder LinkedSelling &
I enjoyed the meeting, Cathy’s presentation was excellent and very helpful.~ Rick Martz
Great presentation with some great takeaways on prioritizing and getting things done thank you Cathy. – John Beidle

Cathy Sexton is a brilliant speaker. She has an insight into creating steps to get organized that are simple and defined. She provides a stair step procedure to getting the maximum of output for the working day….
~ Patti Isringhaus
Great presentation (as usual). Cathy brought up some really good points and offered advice that really made sense…. ~ Samantha Naes
Cathy did a great job pointing out the pit falls of trying to do it all and offered great advice on how to handle it. ~Sean Keough
A great and relevant presentation! ~ Mark Haynes
“Cathy is an unbelievable speaker and business resource! Her uncanny ability to bring things to the basic level so that they are manageable and doable rather than overwhelming and daunting is tremendous. She is truly a Productivity Expert and shows you how to implement small changes to make a big difference in your effectiveness.” ~ April Trupiano Executive Insurance Coach

Cathy Sexton correctly named her business Productivity Speaker and Training. She shares her wisdom speaking, writing, and with personal service. Her handouts are a treasure and sum up the experience she has provided in her presentation. Her written Tips are always realistic and practical. She helps us all feel good and ready to tackle some of our frailties. Cathy brings grace to her presentations. Everyone loves her. We are all smiles and happy after a dose of Cathy Sexton. She spoke recently at our monthly lunch and listened to everyone and then answered all of our questions, even the ones we didn’t ask. And topped that off with super handouts. ~ Jan Scott – St. Louis Women’s Yellow Pages
Cathy, Thank you so much for speaking to the members at the MVMA meeting on Friday. The group thought that you were an excellent speaker with great delivery and was very knowledgeable on the subject matter. Several members stated that they liked the idea of breaking down the pieces of a large project or goal into smaller action items that could be accomplished daily or weekly. It was a great presentation overall and I think it was very applicable to our members. Thank you again for your assistance. I might be contacting you in the future after we determine the 2011 program schedule. ~ Angie Weber
Thank you so much for coming and giving your presentation. At least 2 people have already set up “tickler” systems based on your advice! I am working on the 32/96 minute pure productivity advice you gave. So much of what you said rang true with all of us, and you gave very helpful suggestions on prioritizing, which is one of the banes of this job…and on how to deal with projects vs. tasks. Whenever I used to get totally overwhelmed, a friend of mine used to always say, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” That’s turned out to be true in so many areas of life. Thank you again for your time and your advice!! ~Lyn Ruess, St. Louis, MO
Productivity Coaching

You might know your industry better than anyone else, but do you really know how to run a business? Most business owners – myself included – don’t have a clue as to how to run the day to day processes in a way that allows themselves and their employees to maximize their potential. STL Beds’ secret to achieving success is Cathy Sexton Productivity Expert.
Our company tripled its business in 5 years, but its growth was being stifled with operational
procedures and processes that were no longer working effectively. We hired Cathy Sexton to observe our day to day operations and discuss our personal difficulties with the systems we had in place. Together we discussed her observations and problems that needed to be solved. She worked and continues to work with us to come up with better, faster solutions with structured plans to solve our organizational failures.
We started with a major update in our bookkeeping processes that is now highly organized and creates accurate reports. These reports help with day to day and long term major decisions related to things like inventory management, comparisons, profit and loss statements etc.
Cathy’s biggest achievement in the last year working with us has been a 2 year business plan to map out the company’s future direction that will help provide a solid, prosperous, and organized company direction. The plan dealt with everything from staff, merchandise expansion, even an exit strategy for ownership. We set a course for staff to make the 2 year plan a well-designed working reality.
A productivity expert is not inexpensive but is a necessary business expense that will pay dividends many times over – freeing up much needed time that every business owner claims that they don’t have. For the last year Cathy has helped STL Beds accomplish what seemed impossible and to get it all done with inconceivable efficiency. Cathy is STL Bed’s secret weapon for success. Shhh. ~ Doug Belleville, STL Beds

Cathy, thank you so much for your help, I now have processes and systems set up so It’s easier to delegate to my staff to free me up to do what I do best…Run and Grow my business. I no longer take work home at night and don’t feel guilty for not having time with my family. ~ Lori St. Clair, On Target for Profitable Growth
Cathy, thanks for making the counseling-by-phone option so successful. I would not have thought it could be an effective way to deal with highly personal issues, but it really works for me. It bypasses a lot of the natural defenses I have and eliminates distractions and obstacles. Because of our success, I called EAP today to get some individual counseling and I chose the telephone option again. It keeps the focus on ‘the topic’ (whatever it is), which has not always happened in the past. ~Megan S.

Hi Cathy, I just wanted to let you know that, after being out of the office for three full days (Thursday, Friday, and Monday) – which in the past would have been a big deal for me – I arrived to the office today and my email inbox had 472 emails in it. As of right now there are only 88 emails! And I am even completely done with all of my G.O. System tasks for this month. Thanks to what I’ve learned from working with you I just realized that these tips, tools, and techniques are a way of life for me now. I just do them as if it were second nature to me! I just wanted to share that with you. Have a fantastic evening, and thank you for being a great coach, client, and friend to me!
~ Dawn R. Berry
Cathy, looking back on the last 6 months of us working together I am amazed at the transformation. Prior to working with you I would take on projects without looking at how they fit into the big picture or how to maintain them, with so much going on in my life I was constantly putting out fires. Now I am much more proactive and react to the sparks before they get out of control. I feel like I have my life back. I now enjoy my work and my family in a way I never thought possible. Thank you for your guidance, coaching, support and patience. ~ Larry O.

Cathy Sexton has helped me get more organized in my business. The things she showed me to do in Outlook were amazing and have really saved me time and money. I highly recommend Cathy Sexton if you need help being more productive!
~ Donna Gamache, Style Consultant from the Inside Out
Cathy is awesome. She is a master at seeing an issue for what it is and developing a solution that works for all parties involved. Cathy is very thorough and knowledgeable in so many areas. She has been instrumental in turning my business around and I would hire her again in a heartbeat…you should too. ~ Kelley Green
Cathy is extremely knowledgeable in business development. She is honest, consistent, very reliable and provides excellence in everything she delivers. I would work with Cathy again and again.
~ Tami Davis ~ Office Manager/District Admin
Cathy Sexton’s Productivity training with me and my staff has produced awesome results. I cannot stress the importance of this training in our day and age of business. We are all expected to do more and more each day with the technology available to us, and not being able to use that technology effectively can be detrimental to the livelihood of our businesses!
~ Rebecca Frothingham ~ Owner, JLF Bookkeeping Services, LLC
Cathy has great insight on getting organized, setting priorities, and reminding us how important it is to take care of oneself. No chaos seems out of her reach to help get productive routines back in place.
~ Angela Denicola

Thorough, professional and easy to work with, Cathy and CSBS give me great peace of mind by managing my personal and professional books and keeping my office organized–no small feat! Her efforts on my behalf free me up to do more of what I enjoy and am good at, which directly affects my bottom line in a positive way. What could you do if you had that kind of support in your business?
~ Patty Cook, Executive Life Coach
Cathy teaches the process of digging out of the muck by using processes. Cathy continues to create fun ways in which to teach these methods. Her motivation is value to the individual customer, or company. Cathy listens, understands, and there is not a circumstance, or industry that she can’t relate to. Most of all Cathy reassures and delivers results!
~ Darlene S. Simmons ~Regional Sales Manager at VasoCARE, LLC

Hello Cathy, I’ve received the fax that you sent and I am so thrilled at the progress that I’ve made so far from working with you. I was thinking this morning about sleeping better, and finding it easier to wake up in the morning; never in a million years would I have thought that being more organized and on-task at work would or could spill over into my personal life to that extent. Thanks again for all of your support! ~ Dawn R. Berry, Agency Principal Provident Insurance Agency LLC
“Cathy’s knowledge, information, experience, and expertise–and her special blend of calm, peaceful, focused enthusiasm for her work and her clients–is phenomenal! Ever since she came into my life and started coaching and consulting me, my life has gotten on track big-time. I’ve begun cleaning up my clutter again; I’ve been taking powerful, decisive, direct actions to develop and expand my new business in the face of overwhelm and resignation; I’ve been attracting new clients; and my entire outlook on life has shifted up several notches. I’m now a positive-minded, productive doer instead of a crabby, angry, negative complainer. My sessions with her have shifted from being “poor me” pity parties to being “Powerful Me” Productivity Pow-Wows. And I mean “WOW!” I highly endorse and recommend her services. Cathy Sexton is a force of Nature.” ~ Barry Kepp
Profit Coaching & Training

“There was a time the business survived off of credit cards. I thought of it as just part of life. Business was slow for various reasons, so that’s what I did. I was reluctant when I took Cathy’s course initially, but then my business started to explode and I really saw the value of it. I make more conscious decisions about what I spend now. I manage my money, and have money set aside for regular owner’s pay, operating expenses, and taxes. It gives me peace of mind knowing the money is there for what I need. Cathy’s system is a different mindset and way of doing things, but it’s very positive.”
~ Richard Terry, Accolade Kitchen & Bath

“Cathy Sexton knows how to make a business strong and profitable. Her strategies have enabled us to bring a stability to our financial situation that we’ve never had before. We’re growing and it’s so exciting. Our business is stronger and ready for whatever the future might bring… thanks to Cathy’s expertise.”
~ Cathy Davis, Davis Creative

“My business has always done very well, but the amount of money coming in fluctuates month to month. I wasn’t very confident dealing with the accounting side of my business and budgeting was a challenge. Cathy has taught me how to take control, put structure and a plan in place, and be more intentional with how I manage my business finances, which has been wonderful!”
~ Deborah LeeAnn Morley, Authentic Leadership Academy

“I consider Cathy Sexton a valuable member of my team. She came in and filled in the financial piece of this business that had been making good money for decades, but still struggled with cash flow and never saw a profit. After I took over the family business, we were doubling and tripling our business, but it was falling apart. Whenever something needed to be done, the money wasn’t there to do it. There was no savings plan for growth or the future of the business. We were still doing it the old-fashioned way, and it wasn’t working at all.
Thanks to Cathy’s Miracle Money Method system, I was able to do in three years what the business hadn’t been able to do in the 29 years before. We have structure in place, we know what’s coming in and going out, our employees have bonuses and we’re profitable, which is all amazing!”
~ Doug Belleville, STL Beds

I used Cathy Sexton’s “Conference Planner” at my last event and was amazed at the increased results I got out of participating in the conference! By using the planner before I went to my conference, I knew exactly what my plans were so I didn’t wander in just “hoping” I’d get something out of being there. And I got more than I even planned! I knew exactly where I needed to be and at what time so I wasn’t constantly checking schedules – and I was never late to a session. I used my planner not only to take notes for sessions, but also to track for outside meetings with people at the conference. It even gave me a place to record all of my follow up actions so when I got back, my time hadn’t wasted and I kept my promises to people I’d met! Using the Conference Planner, I increased my ROI on the event at least 200%! Thanks Cathy, for such a great tool to maximize my time, effort and expenses on ALL of my conferences!!
~ Aprille Trupiano

“Cathy you make organizing seem so simple! Your system is fun and thorough, and the training was interesting and informative. ”
~ Suzanne Tipton Offner, Primeco Consulting

“Your SOS Organizing Day is by far the best investment in my business that I have ever made…I feel as though the weight of the world has been lifted and my productivity has improved exponentially. I would never have believed that I could be organized and focused. The Paper Tiger and EasyReach programs are saving blocks of 5, 10 and 15 minutes several times a day. I wholeheartedly recommend the system for anyone who finds their plate too full and piles too numerous. Thank you Cathy for giving me a new lease on life!”
~ Laura Schacht, ECHO Media, LLC
“It amazes me how the clutter and disorganization in my office affected my productivity. With your systematic way of approaching my day, the mail that comes in, my filing system, my to-do’s and other areas, I can actually get it all done. My stress level has dropped considerably!”
~ Pam Voss – Independent Consultant

“After attending your seminar there has been so much enthusiasm among our staff. Some staff members implemented the GO system immediately after your seminar. We can already see the difference with more organized offices. I look forward to seeing the continued results and I will keep you updated.”
~ Paul Rogers, Trinity Real Estate
Thanks so much! The organizing went GREAT–Mary, her sister, and I spent four and a half hours on Saturday, and I’ve spent a couple more since. Very spirit-lifting. Thanks for your help, take care Cathy. ~ Kathy M. Evans
Thanks so much for your instruction, guidance and support. It has been very helpful to be able to set aside time and space to contemplate aloud about my organizing / prioritizing challenges. I look forward to getting your newsletter, and I’ll contact you again when I’m ready for Round 2 of “This is Your [Improved] Life”
With appreciation, Sylvia
“Cathy Thank you and The Paper Tiger for all your help. My paper trail is about 80% complete. My husband even notice the lack of clutter. Thanks again for your expertise. “ ~ Chrissie Barfield – Director, Creating Change
“Cathy, just wanted you to know that I love my paper tiger and the GO System- with all that I had going on this week, I really had to force myself away from continuing to file my stuff – it was addicting and easy! I can’t wait to really start using the action files when I get back from out of town. Thank you for making my life 100 times more productive!” ~ Angela Lieb
“Cathy, thank you so much for your help in organizing my office. With The Paper Tiger, I can find everything. Being able to find things when needed has made my job so much easier, I feel more productive and organized.”~ Cindy Pratt – Owner, CC Entertainment
EMAIL Training:
“If you’re drowning in Email, Cathy’s class is a lifesaver. I’m always looking for new ways to save time and technology and Cathy provided tons of ideas I have never heard before. My favorite suggestion was the A-B-C format to focus Emails to what actually needs to happen and eliminate rambling messages!” ~Julie Hood – Finally Organized LLC
“Cathy, I loved the Email seminar. You gave great ideas to reclaim some time from Email. Now maybe Email won’t be so frustrating and time consuming.”~L. Sloan
“Cathy, great Email and file program – Finally a focus on how to file and find electronic documents, I have wanted tools like these for years thank you.”~Rosemary Wilson, Creed
“Thank you for this wonderful seminar Cathy, I am so grateful. For anyone who uses Email as much as I do they need to check out this seminar. I took away 5 new practices that will radically improve my productivity.”
~Patty Cook – Life By Design
“Thanks Cathy, This was a good use of my time. I learned a lot and it was very valuable. Validated what I already know but gave me a lot of other useful new tips and tools.”~Paula H – PAS
“Cathy, I enjoyed your Email seminar with great tips and very informative for managing everyone’s time.”~K Fears
“Your Email seminar had a lot of very practical and useful tools and practices which should really help me be more productive, efficient and effective. The use of Power drafts and the ABC concepts were great.
Thanks Cathy for offering this program.”~Judy R.
“The info-excellence seminar was overall great information and very helpful now if I can just get everyone else to learn what I did all would be great.”~Angela B.
“Cathy thanks, I enjoyed the Email class and believe I will benefit from all the useful information.” – Susan Brickman
“Cathy, continue your great work the presentation was very informative and I now know how to organize my work load and to effectively communicate by Email.” ~ Willie C Smith -WCS
“Cathy, your Email seminar contained lots of valuable, eye opening tips and information I highly recommend it. Using the F12 to save my documents vas very valuable.”~Bill Collier
“Your Email program was an excellent presentation. I learned some great Tips”~M. Ellis
“Cathy your Email program was incredibly useful and practical.”~Dale Furtwengle