A few years back, after losing my husband to cancer, my daughter and I decided to build a house we would share.
The idea of choosing the location, model, and options for this new house was daunting and overwhelming at first. But we found what we wanted and moved forward with excitement.
We chose a floor plan we loved. We chose the perfect lot.
We made conscious, thoughtful – even sometimes tedious – decisions that would create the space we would enjoy living in for years to come.
Then we watched and waited as what we had set in motion began to take shape.
I remember driving out to the build site once they had broken ground.
I have never been so thrilled by the sight of fresh concrete poured into the ground to set and cure!

Over the following weeks, we watched as the walls went up. Wiring and plumbing went in. A roof was added to protect everything that would be contained within those walls – including us.
All the things we had carefully and deliberately chosen started to come together to make this house our home.
About four months later, everything was in place. The vision of the home we had dreamed of was now a reality. And that wonderful reality was ours.
That home symbolizes so much.
The stability of strong roots and the power of wings.
A place to make memories and dream.
A place that honors where we have been and inspires us to thrive in the possibilities of what could be.
It also provides protection from storms. And we are sooooo grateful for all of it!
If you think about it, the home building process is a lot like building a business. What that business means in our lives is also much the same.
You need a solid foundation and structure to survive and thrive.
Your business also gives you roots and wings, so you can support your lifestyle, dream big as you share your gifts with the world, and have security for your future.
A solid, well-built business structure even provides protection from storms – if you have the right financial system in place.
So, how strong is the ‘house’ you’ve built?
Have you laid a solid foundation and created a strong structure for what you are building – and what you dream of – in your life and business?

I hope so!
If not, it’s never too late to fortify your existing foundation, shore up the structure, and create the environment for greater success.
It just takes the willingness to dive in, identify the issues, and make meaningful changes.
But sometimes the challenge is knowing what needs to change.
Just like building a home, there are so many things that have to come together when building a strong business. And reach out for help if that process feels overwhelming or daunting for you.
Your plan was to rely on this business to support yourself, your family, and your lifestyle. Don’t let that plan crumble on a less-than-solid foundation.
Take the time to make the conscious, intentional choices – even the ones that feel tedious at the time.
The result will be a business that is strong and secure and feels like home – the one you’ve always hoped for.