
improve productivity, focus, time management, goal setting, getting organizied, email reduction
Communicate better emails

  • Before composing an email, ask yourself, “Is this really the best way of communicating this information?” Will your receiver have multiple questions that would be more easily addressed over the phone? Should you wait to discuss this matter in person? If the message is somewhat important, sometimes email is not the best medium to choose.
  • In business emails, it is smart to stick to one topic per e-mail, and make sure your heading reflects that topic. That way, if you or the receiver of the email needs to do a search of their inbox to reference it later, they’ll easily be able to find the information they’re looking for.
  • Keep your email as short and simple as possible. Do not get on tangents or include minute details that do not matter to the receiver. Only send the necessary information.
In general, think about the person(s) receiving this message, and not about what is most convenient for yourself as the sender. If you were to receive this message, how would you react?
For more email tips, check out these productivity resources: http://cathysexton.com/resources/productivity-products/