
saving time, relax, time managment, too much to do let it goWith our busy schedules it is not easy to keep our life in balance. We can not remove all the stress, but we can eliminate some of the obstacles we have control over. There is so much to do, and when we are not doing what we should we are thinking about doing it! Make the time to relax!

  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • Light a scented candle.
  • Laugh – it is hard to be stressed if you’re laughing or smiling; this includes those around you also.
  • Take 10 minutes and clean the clutter from your desk – very powerful.
  • Thoughts – Whatever you think and believe – you create. Adjust your inner voice if you need to.
  • Play soothing music.
  • Switch gears – Simply taking a break and doing something completely opposite of whatever is causing you stress can work wonders. If you have a desk job-take a walk, if you are on your feet all day–sit and take a break.
  • Stretch your tired muscles.
  • Indulge yourself in a special treat.
  • Try meditation or yoga.
  • Let go of the small stuff or things you can not control.
  • Take a few minutes and feel grateful for the good things in your life.
  • Think about the glass being half full – not half empty.
  • Remember life is a journey and not a destination.
  • Just Say No!
  • Want a one-second stress reliever? Turn down people or projects that make you feel overextended, overcommitted or overwhelmed.

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