
If you missed the first 5 E-mail Resolutions, you can find them here. Read below to break yourself (and others!) of some of those annoying, time consuming email bad habits. Check out numbers 6 – 11:

Email Campaign

  • 6. I resolve to make my emails more actionable.
    Tip: Use numbering and bullet points whenever possible.


  • 7. I resolve to stop sending so many e-mails.
    Tip: Cut the number of recipients per e-mail by ceasing to use and abuse — “Reply to All” and “Cc”.


  • 8. I resolve to stop receiving so many e-mails.
    Tip: See above (FYI: The best way to get less is to send less).


  • 9. I resolve to stop spending precious hours looking for old e-mails.
    Tip: Create a limited number of mutually exclusive folders and subfolders based on content — not sender, software or some other random criteria.


  • 10. I resolve to stop getting & sending “junk” to/from coworkers & friends.
    Tip: Coach your frequent senders — or suffer through their meaningless messages.


  • 11. I resolve to stop using email as a form of communication when a phone call would be more effective.
    Tip: When you are having back and forth conversation with someone, why not just pick up the phone it can be more effective and efficient.