
My last post discussed how to get started prioritizing tasks. First and foremost, it is helpful to make a list of everything you must accomplish.  Building from Prioritizing: Part One, Here are some more strategies for prioritizing:

  • Re-prioritize as necessary – let’s face it, priorities change. As they do, update your list. It will give you a sense of control over the situation.
  • Remove unimportant items – is there something on your list that you always push to the bottom and never end up doing? Then get it off the list. It doesn’t belong there.
  • Don’t list EVERYTHING – only list crucial tasks. You don’t need to list routine tasks (like lunch) or menial tasks (like checking your email). Also, you’re going into too much detail if you put down prioritizing as a task.
  • Do everything you can to keep your list small – this means saying NO sometimes. Do your work and help other people with theirs when you have something to offer, but don’t do their work for them. Along the same lines, learn to delegate things to the people that are supposed to be doing them. Why book your plane tickets when you have an assistant for that?

Taking a few minutes at the beginning of your day to make a list will save you time throughout your day. It will keep you focused on what’s important!